Sunday, December 20, 2009

Janky journey to Hawaii

Here are a few photos from Justin and my journey to Hawaii.  This is the beach where I learned most of my janky surfing skills.  I'm proud to state that I never cut off or crashed into anyone at this particular beach.  I cannot claim that for most other beaches we surfed.    
Sunset from a beach we camped on toward the end of the trip.  These colors spanned our whole field of vision.
Justin's summer job, I contributed for a week to help fund the trip.  Its pretty obvious who the true meatman is.
An evening at Annini beach park where we camped for the majority of the trip.
Since returning to the GMD I've been loving preseason skiing so I haven't taken a lot of photos but I will be updating the blog more frequently from now on.  On a side note, JP was salty all day for no reason, again.

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